The Challenge: Moving Targets
The fundamental goal of industrial hygiene (IH) is to recognize, evaluate and control workplace stressors in order to protect the health of workers, but there are literally thousands of harmful chemical and physical stressors regulated by a complex collection of stressor-specific standards, and compliance depends on your ability to ensure exposures are within applicable occupational exposure limits (OELs). To make things more challenging, published OEL values are changing all the time as new health information and research comes to light.
If your business operates in multiple regulatory jurisdictions, you likely need to track and control different sets of stressors at each of your locations, and account for OELs that frequently differ from country to country. Even unregulated chemical and physical stressors can still have severe impacts to worker health, and protecting your workers means establishing safe levels of exposure based on industrial hygiene consensus standards and best practices.
How VelocityEHS Can Help?
Whether you’re managing Industrial Hygiene (IH) across multiple regulatory jurisdictions, or simply need an easier way to track and control multiple workplace stressors, the VelocityEHS Global Chemical & OEL Database lets you select from a comprehensive and growing list of workplace stressors and OELs to ensure exposures are within acceptable and safe limits. For companies without in-house certified industrial hygienists (CIHs) or mature IH programs, our Global Chemical & OEL Database offers sophisticated, enterprise-level IH regulatory intelligence to help streamline compliance with a vast range of IH standards. Large, multinational companies can leverage our powerful database to easily harmonize and standardize IH regulatory programs across your entire enterprise.
Explore Our Core Health Capabilities
The VelocityEHS Health Solution gives you an easy and intuitive way to implement and manage a best-in-class IH program.