Features and Benefits
Industrial Ergonomics, on the VelocityEHS Accelerate® Platform, seamlessly integrates with your continuous improvement process.
A Systematic Approach
All-in-one software solution with on-site expertise provides a consistent, visible, and sustainable ergonomics process to support your global initiatives.
Fast & Accurate Results
Through artificial intelligence, our smart assessments help you collect data with a video from any mobile device to quickly and accurately assess jobs.
Design Guidelines for Engineers
Built-in ergonomic design guidelines for multiple populations take the guess work out of optimizing workstation layout for your employees.

How Machine Learning is Advancing Ergonomics Effectiveness
VelocityEHS experts Julia Penfield, PhD, Principal Machine Learning Scientist, and Rick Barker will help you gain a better understanding of what machine learning is and how it is already being applied to save time and increase effectiveness in three different EHS use cases.
Watch NowWho uses VelocityEHS Industrial Ergonomics?
What can VelocityEHS Industrial Ergonomics do for you?
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